
From 27. 07. 2024 Akce

I HAVE NEVER BEEN IN THIS PLACE BEFORE: A Kafka-Festival in Cottbus From January To December 2024

• Cottbus
From 17. 01. 2024 Exhibition

Kafka's Sisters

• Munich
From 01. 02. 2024

Kafka 2024 in Paris

• Paris
From 09. 02. 2024 Exhibition


• Prague
From 01. 04. 2024 Akce

In Search of Odradek

• Prague
From 21. 04. 2024 ausstellung

The Last Days of Franz Kafka

• Venice
From 03. 05. 2024 Festival

Kafka Smiles. Kafka Festival in Tübingen from May to December 2024

• Tübingen
From 04. 05. 2024 ausstellung

Identity Touches. Hans Fronius, Franz Kafka and World Literature

• Gundelsheim
From 04. 05. 2024

Photo exhibition: Kafka sees Merano / Mostra fotografica: Kafkac vede Merano

• Merano
From 10. 05. 2024 Festival

Oxford Kafka 2024: Program

• Oxford
From 12. 05. 2024 ausstellung

›Kafka’s Echo‹. Exhibition and research project

• Marbach
From 22. 05. 2024 Exhibition

Franz Kafka's Games

• Prague
From 03. 06. 2024 Exhibition

Visions of Kafka´s shadow

• Prague
From 04. 06. 2024 Exhibition

Oded Ezer: The Samsa Enigma

• Prague
From 05. 06. 2024 Exhibition

Photo Album of the Kafka Family

• Prague
From 05. 06. 2024 Exhibition

Through the Eyes of Franz Kafka. Between Image and Language

• Pilsen
From 16. 06. 2024 ausstellung

Andrea Louis Ballardini: Flying Far

• Bologna
22. 09. 2024 Führung

In Kafka’s Footsteps. Guided Tour of the Permanent Exhibition at the KOG

• Regensburg
From 27. 09. 2024 Festival

Architecture Day 2024: Trial of Transformation

• Prague
From 27. 09. 2024 ausstellung

THE GHOSTS OF PRAGUE. Light Condensed Into Sight

• Miesbach
From 12. 10. 2024 Exhibition

Illustrations on Franz Kafka

• Regensburg
From 16. 10. 2024 Symposium

Kafka's diagnosis of modernism

• Prague
12. 11. 2024 Reading

Autumn reading – Madgaléna Platzová: „Life after Kafka“

• Regensburg
13. 11. 2024 Film

Autumn Reading - Hans-Gerd Koch: „A Visit to Kafka's Niece“

• Regensburg
23. 11. 2024 Concert


• Paris
23. 11. 2024 Lecture

Reiner Stach: Kafkas Comedy. Lecture & Reading

• Tübingen
07. 12. 2024 Dance theatre

Olatz Arabaolaza: Between Struggle and Fear. Dance Theatre

• Tübingen