
09. 11. 2023
Language: DE

Classics of Literary History — Franz Kafka: The Burrow and Josefine, the Singer or The People of the Mice

2024 marks the 100th anniversary of the death of Franz Kafka, one of the world's most widely read writers. We are taking this anniversary as an opportunity to talk about two of his stories that are central to today. „The Building“, published posthumously in 1923-1924 and never completed, tells the story of an unnamed animal protagonist who creates an underground structure. He lives in this complex tunnel system, protected and isolated from the outside world. However, the emerging paranoia caused by a strange noise causes his sense of security to steadily fade. The second story also features an animal as the main character. Josefine the mouse is admired by the mice for her voice. At the same time, her singing is not always met with approval and her airs and graces cause resentment. In „Josefine, the Singer or The People of the Mice“, Kafka describes the fragility of fame and popularity and poses universal questions in his story about the value of art and the public's perception of artists. The text is part of the anthology "Der Hungerkünstler", his last work published during his lifetime. Writer Ulrike Draesner and dramaturge and author John von Düffel will discuss Franz Kafka.

Moderation: Anne-Dore Krohn

Prologue a epilogue: Timo Brunke

Admission: 14 €/12 €/7 €

Livestream: 7 €

A series of events by: LpZ Stuttgart and DerDiwan Hörbuchverlag, sponsored by the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport Baden-Württemberg

Ulrike Draesner and John von Düffel