To mark the 100th anniversary of Franz Kafka's death, the Archiv der Zeitgenossen is dedicating an academic conference with an extensive supporting program to the writer. In 20 contributions, international speakers from various research disciplines will discuss Kafka's influence on the arts (music, film, theater, comics, painting, etc.).
Location: Campus Krems, wing UA, ground floor, seminar room U.0.37 (Dr.-Karl-Dorrek-Straße 30 in 3500 Krems an der Donau)
You can find the exact program at
Supporting film: Untitled [Krenek] by the collective F.A.T. (2022, 9 min.)
The Trial by Orson Welles (DE/FR/IT 1962)
Location: Cinema in the Kesselhaus
Location: Franz Kafka Study and Memorial Room, Kierling/Klosterneuburg (former Hoffmann Sanatorium
Hauptstraße 187 in 3412 Kierling/Klosterneuburg)
Bus shuttle between Krems an der Donau and Kierling/Klosterneuburg
Registration required by May 5, 2024 at
Franz Kafka, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons