
From 28. 06. 2024
Until 30. 06. 2024
Language: CZ
galerie Kafka

Deziluze Festival

In 2024, the world will mark the 100th anniversary of the death of one of the most popular and timeless figures in world literature – Franz Kafka. Kafka spent about half a year of his life in the unassuming village of Siřem near Žatec, during which time he wrote „The Castle“. The book is set in Siřem, where the most visible landmark is the granary – Kafka's castle. Where else could this anniversary be celebrated in an entertaining and interactive way?

The anniversary will also be celebrated by the Deziluze Festival, whose team this year prides itself on a sophisticated dramaturgical programme that carefully combines a selection of alternative music, performances, etudes, lectures, (not only) literary workshops and a fight game/immersive performance/escape game, audio walk programme, etc. The programme is designed to allow people to experience some of the secrets of Kafka's life in a non-violent and entertaining way. We want to present the classic in a contemporary way through a coherent scenario.

At the Deziluze Festival 2024, you can look forward to musical performances by Syntax Error, Cringe Prince, Fæ Bestia, Miss Petty and many more. Creative studios, workshops, an educational audio walk and theatre performances await you as part of the accompanying programme. Parallel to the festival, the Kafka Gallery will host exhibitions by Czech and foreign artists such as Nicolas Prokop, Tereza Sýkorová and Agnes Sharp.

The event is co-organised by the Association Siřem of Franz Kafka and the town of Blšany. The festival is supported by the Czech-German Future Fund, the Ministry of Culture, the State Cultural Fund, the Ústí nad Labem Region and the Karlovy Vary Region.