
From 03. 05. 2024
Until 08. 12. 2024
Language: DE

Kafka Smiles. Kafka Festival in Tübingen from May to December 2024

Together with KuneArts in Tübingen, tanztheater treibhaus is organizing the „Kafka smiles“ festival to celebrate the writer Franz Kafka, with numerous events taking place from 3 May to 8 December 2024 to mark the 100th anniversary of his death. The program includes theater performances and plays, dance performances, film screenings, readings and exhibitions related to Kafka and his work. The patron of the festival is Reiner Stach.

This festival is our homage. We celebrate the master of nuances and interstices. We celebrate the ambiguity of his texts and his refusal to interpret them. We celebrate the architect of timeless dream worlds. We celebrate his art of transforming the fantastic into reality. We celebrate his love of play, his humor and his ingenuity. We celebrate Franz Kafka for the wonderful works he gave us. At some point, he emerges from the audience - and smiles.

- Elke Pfeiffer, tanztheater treibhaus, artistic director of the „Kafka smiles“ festival

The full program and more information about „Kafka smiles“ at: