
15. 05. 2024

Language: DE
Campus Krems, Campus Hall
Dr. Karl Dorrek-Str. 30, Krems


Clemens J. Setz reads and talks about Franz Kafka

Moderation & discussion: Manfred Müller

As part of the event series „KAFKA.LEKTÜREN“, the writer Clemens J. Setz will speak about Franz Kafka's story „Die Sorge des Hausvaters“ (The Housefather's Worry). In this series, authors will each read, comment on and analyze a short, self-chosen passage from Franz Kafka's texts and talk about Kafka's significance for their own literary work. The audience can read along with the text passages and is cordially invited to take part in the discussion.

Clemens J. Setz has been awarded numerous prizes for his literary work, including the Austrian Book Prize (2023) and the Georg Büchner Prize (2021).

The event is a cooperation between the Archiv der Zeitgenossen and the Austrian Kafka Society, the Austrian Society for Literature and the Krems City Library.

Location: Campus Hall (Building U, Campus Krems East)

Admission free, please register at:

Archiv der Zeitgenossen © Lukas Roth