
03. 06. 2024
Language: DE
Guntram-Palm-Platz 1, Fellbach

The Metamorphosis. Reading with Wolfram Koch

Franz Kafka on the 100th anniversary of his death

„The Metamorphosis“

read by Wolfram Koch

At the piano: Ido Ramot

As Gregor Samsa awoke one morning from uneasy dreams he found himself transformed in his bed into a gigantic insect

This is how the most famous story by the Prague-based world-famous author Franz Kafka begins. On the 100th anniversary of his death, this enigmatic story will be read in a slightly abridged version by one of Germany's best actors. Wolfram Koch is known to the general public as the Tatort detective in Frankfurt. Above all, however, he is a great theater actor with an enormous repertoire. In 2023 he played „King Lear“ at the Thalia Theater Hamburg, in 2024 he will perform Goethe's „Faust 1 and 2“ in Frankfurt.

The young pianist Ido Ramot will play somnambulistically beautiful pieces from „Metamorphosis“ by Phil Glass, which he composed for a theater version of „The Metamorphosis“.

Admission: 15 €, pupils/students/people with disabilities 6 €

Advanced booking at the i-Punkt, telephone 0711/58 00 58

Introductory lecture: Prof. Kristin Eichhorn on Sunday, June 2, at 18:00, at the Fellbach City Museum, Hintere Straße 16, 70734 Fellbach

© Photo Wolfram Koch: Klaus Dyba

© Photo Ido Ramot: Theresa Pewal