
From 27. 06. 2024
Until 19. 02. 2025
Language: DE

Ottla – Franz Kafka's favorite sister

The play tells the story of Ottla David's life in Prague with her family and her deportation to Therensienstadt. All three of Franz Kafka's sisters were murdered in the Shoah. Ottla looks after children in an orphanage in the ghetto. Letters written to her two daughters in Prague are the direct witnesses of the time: Events come to a head. A camp doctor tries to save them. He later tells Vera, Ottla's daughter, about his experiences in Theresienstadt, which he also went through with her mother. For Ottla, the spiritual connection to her brother was omnipresent even during this time, and the play expresses this through quotes from Kafka.

Performance dates

Petr Balajka (born 1958 in Prague) studied Polish and Bohemian Studies at Prague's Charles University and is editor-in-chief of the „Obecni noviny“ community newspaper of the Jewish community in Prague. His journalistic work has always focused on Shoah survivors. He worked for many years as an editor in publishing houses, is a passionate photographer and has published numerous radio plays, social and crime novels, mainly from the milieu of the Prague Jewish community.

Werner Imhof (born 1960 in Wiesbaden) studied history and literature, his exam subject was Franz Kafka, and has been living in the Czech Republic for over 24 years. He has organized and accompanied around 700 eyewitness interviews, mainly with Czech Shoah survivors, translated three of their autobiographies and published the life story of Prague Terezín and Auschwitz survivor Lisa Miková in book form in 2018, and has also been a memorial site guide in Terezín for 15 years.

A play based on the radio play by Petr Balajka, translated by Werner Imhof. Realization rimon productions.