
16. 05. 2024
Language: DE
Jüdisches Gemeindezentrum
Am Brixener Hof 2, Regensburg

Scott Spector: „Ihr seid doch auch Juden.“ Kafka unter den Juden Österreich-Ungarns

Scott Spector ist Rudolf Mrazek Collegiate Professor of History and German Studies an der University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. He is the author of the monographs „Prague Territories: National Conflict and Cultural Innovation in Franz Kafka´s Fin de Siècle“ (2000) or „Modernism without Jews? German-Jewish Subjects Histories“ (2017).  

The guest lecture is part of the seminar „Franz Kafka In the Intercultural Context of Prague“ at the Bohemicum – Center for Czech Studies at the University of Regensburg. It takes place in cooperation with the Jewish Community and is sponsored by the Regensburg University Foundation Hans Vielberth.

It is part of a lecture tour organized by the Adalbert Stifter Verein – Kulturinstitut für die böhmischen Länder, the Bohemicum – Center for Czech Studies at the University of Regensburg, the Institute for General and Comparative Literature at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität and the Institute for Czech Literature at the Czech Academy of Sciences.